Thursday, January 18, 2007

there were several things that i noticed about this article that i feel i should discuss. Their use of language almost seems that we are coming off to hard to the Iraqis and they make it seem as if the primisister is ducking and dogding the American infulence. they remarked about how Bush is trying to do his daddy's work. the picture they used makes me feel as if they are trying to show how the American soliders are trying to build up the fallen world around them. very interesting media manipulation.... the people who covered this story alomst sets the pros and the cons out so that you can deside whats you feel is right and wronge, also they seem to sway you each way and keep you interested about the situation. but by using the picture and the saying about bush that he is" cleaning up and doin his daddy's work" the times is trying to pull you more towards the bush's purpose.

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