Thursday, January 11, 2007

'no end in sight'

"Rebuilding Iraq will require a sustained commitment from many nations, including our own: We will remain in Iraq as long as necessary and not a day more." The Iraq war has cost hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars, with no end in sight. We see from this quote that Bush intended the war to be long and costly. This isn't fair for tax payers, because more then half are opposed to the war evidence being the democratic take over. The republicans had enough time to at least show some progress in Iraq but have not delivered.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i highly agree with this statement being on how bush intended the war on terror especially iraq to be long and costly and i also agree of how unfare the war is to tax payers because most of them oppose the war and cant really do anything about it such as stop payinbg taxes because that will only lead to more trouble for the tax payers themselves so it is almost like a doubl- edged sword