Thursday, January 11, 2007

Daily News

Click above pic for link to article.
This editorial takes the position of someone who is anti-Bush's plan for the war in Iraq. The author uses sarcasm and negative language to express how he doesn't agree with what Bush is planning to do. The author uses profane language such as "backasswards," to especially appeal to the people who read the paper, less-intelligent and more impressionable. The people who read the editorial are being manipulated and swayed to agree with the author that Bush's plans are sometimes flawed. Even though the majority of the article ridicules most of Bush's actions, the author does admit Bush has made some good moves.

1 comment:

mickymo said...

i do agree with nicole on the article representation of bush. Its is insanly obvious how the author is doing all he can through sarcasm and " bush slaming". He even goes as far as flat out calling bush " assbackwards" media manupulation through clear emotions expressed by the author that might saawy the reader when it is obviously the readers decision to decide if bush is to far back or where he belongs.